
Anthony Ryans

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7 Lombard Street, Galway
carving knives, chef, cookware, cutlery, dining, forks, frying pans, home decor, kitchen ware, knives, oven mittens, tableware, woks

Select Shop Cookware for the most ‘cutting-edge’ knives in the business. Some chef knife brands we stock include world famous Kai Shun Knives, Henckels knives, Stellar Sabatier Knifes & Richardson Sheffield knives to name but a few.

Browse our site and discover the kitchenware that will add value to your kitchen. We have divided our products into sections of use and by brands. All products can be purchased online and delivered to you at a nominal fee or if you spend more than €50 Euros online we will ship it for free. For pots, pans and a world of options related to cooking, ShopCookware is your trusted online cookware store.

Choose from a fantastic range of products that have garnered much praise over the years. Products such as Denby stoneware have been used and loved for over 200 years and are the ideal choice for any kitchenware lover. Denby is designed for those who love food and relish in the idea of preparing a massive banquet for the whole family to enjoy. From plates, bowls and sauceboats that have an enamel lip to pour gravy effortlessly, to a special glazing that prevents plates from easily chipping, Denby pottery is the true presentation choice for any lover of good, wholesome food.

Our Cookware Shop has the kitchenware that you have been searching for and at the right price that matches your cooking budget.

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